Detection of Metal Loss and Geometric Anomalies in Unpiggable Gas Pipelines
MFL and Geometry Robotic In-line Inspection Services
Challenging pipeline conditions can impact in-line inspection in multiple ways. Ensuring accurate data collection, minimal disruption to operations, and comprehensive analysis are vital for maintaining the integrity and efficiency of these pipelines.
Our robotic pipeline inspection solutions combine multiple technologies to identify metal loss and geometric deformations in gas pipelines unsuitable for conventional in-line inspection.
Your benefits of our MFL and Geometry Robotic In-line Inspection Services
Combination of technologies for holistic threat assessment
Navigates through complex layouts, e.g., vertical pipe inspection
In-service inspection possible
Robust technology and fail-safe systems
High-quality data collection in compliance with API 1163
Combined metal loss and geometry robotic pipeline inspection
Our robotic inspection solutions integrate magnetic flux leakage (MFL) and geometric measurement technologies. Proven in conventional in-line inspection (ILI), these technologies provide the same high-quality, reliable data that operators expect from conventional ILI. While each technology is powerful on its own and can be used stand-alone, in combination, they offer a comprehensive threat detection capability – addressing both metal loss and geometric deformations in a single run for a more complete assessment.
Typical applicable asset types include, but are not limited to:
- Distribution and transmission pipelines
- In-field or gathering pipelines
- Facility and process pipelines
Learn more about how our robotic pipeline inspection solutions tackle the challenges of unpiggable pipelines.
Safety is a major priority during any in-line inspection. Given the complex nature of unpiggable pipelines and their location in moderate or high-consequence areas, minimizing operational risks is of primary concern.
Our robotic pipeline inspection tool is connected to a cable (also known as umbilical or tether) for system control, power supply, and video transmission. The cable also serves as a robust fail-safe mechanism.
The operating pressure of pipelines is a critical factor in in-line inspection and may influence not only the tool’s run behavior but also the pipeline’s behavior, as anomalies and defects may behave differently in low-pressure pipelines.
High-quality inspection data is the key to pipeline integrity. For many pipelines, these challenges have been insurmountable. Overcoming these challenges requires specialized ILI tools designed for specific pipeline conditions and a deep understanding of how features respond to low-pressure conditions.
Our expertise in pipeline integrity assessment ensures thorough knowledge in analyzing and interpreting the data, allowing us to confidently address the unique challenges associated with a low-pressure environment.
Non-standard pipelines can be challenging to access with ILI tools because they often have varying diameters and layouts with numerous bends, turns, and elevation changes, making navigating conventional ILI tools difficult. This complexity in layout often leads to the conclusion that the pipeline is unpiggable.
Our robotic pipeline inspection solution overcomes these specifics and reliably navigates challenging layouts, including vertical pipe sections.
Another factor to consider with unpiggable pipelines is limited access for launching and receiving. Access points are often located in challenging locations, such as remote or residential areas. Any pipeline interference required to conduct the inspection is costly and disruptive to operations and introduces an additional safety risk.
Our bi-directional robotic pipeline inspection solution requires only a single entry point. Data transfer and power are provided through a cable connection. During the inspection itself, there is no need for any additional pipeline interferences, such as the placement of hot taps for battery charging and the extension of Wi-Fi communication.
The need to shut down or isolate sections of the pipeline for ILI activities can cause operational disruptions with significant economic consequences. Operators seek for solutions to inspect their pipelines according to standards and regulations but with minimal impact on operations.
Our robotic pipeline inspection solutions are designed to allow in-service inspection of pressurized natural gas pipelines to ensure their integrity with minimal production loss during the inspection activities.
Collecting accurate in-line inspection data is vital as it forms the basis for informed integrity decision-making.
Our robotic pipeline inspection solutions prioritize data accuracy, ensure compliance with API 1163, and uphold the same standards as with our free-swimming solutions.
Any questions on our robotic inspection solutions?
Let us know how we can help you and one of our sales or support representative will get in touch with you shortly.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Discover more
Watch our videos and learn more about our robotic in-line inspection services:
Robotic Propulsion Unit – Self-propelled for Various Inspection Goals
RoHelix Solution – Self-propelled Robotic Inspection Unit with MFL-C Technology
ROSEN Toolbox